Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
credentials | Credentials | Yes | Click here to see details. |
isArchive | bool | No | Default value is false. Set true to load archive reservations instead of upcoming. |
"isArchive": false
"success": true,
"reservations": [
"confirmationNumber": "5452655",
"isArchive": false,
"localDateTime": "06/20/2021 07:25 PM",
"easternDateTime": "06/20/2021 07:25 PM",
"rateType": 0,
"passengerName": "John Smith",
"pickupType": 1,
"pickup": "JFK:DL New York, NY, US",
"dropoffType": 0,
"dropoff": "ICS Book A Limo office, 53 East 34th Street, Manhattan, New York, NY, US",
"carClass": "SD"
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
success | bool | No | If true - credentials are valid. |
reservations | Reservation[] | No | Array of reservations. Can be empty, so use success property to detect if credentials are valid. Click here to see details. |
error | string | Yes | Error message if any. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
credentials | Credentials | Yes | Click here to see details. |
confirmation | string | Yes | Confirmation number of the reservation |
"confirmation": "5452773"
"reservation": {
"confirmation": "5452773",
"isCancelRequest": false,
"rateType": 0,
"pickupDate": "06/19/2024",
"pickupTime": "07:50 PM",
"stops": [
"description": "Brooklyn Bridge",
"isEnRoute": false
"description": "Empire State Building",
"isEnRoute": true
"carClassCode": "SD",
"passengers": 2,
"luggage": 3,
"pets": 1,
"boosters": 1,
"carSeats": 1,
"infants": 1
"isEditable": true,
"isCancellationPending": false,
"carDescription": "Sedan Lincoln, Cadillac Or Similar",
"cancellationPolicy": "3 Hours Before Dispatch Time (Jobs Between 1Am And 7Am Are Dispatched Before 8 Pm)",
"pickupType": 1,
"pickupDescription": "JFK:UA New York, NY, US",
"dropoffType": 0,
"dropoffDescription": "53 East 34th Street, Manhattan, New York, NY, US",
"additionalServices": "Pet; Car Seat; Booster; Infant",
"paymentMethod": "4184********0355",
"breakdown": [
"name": "Base Fare",
"value": 74.00,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Stops",
"value": 58.50,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Sub Total",
"value": 132.50,
"isGrand": true
"name": "Pet",
"value": 25.00,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Car Seat",
"value": 25.00,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Booster",
"value": 25.00,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Infant",
"value": 25.00,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Gratuity (20%)",
"value": 26.50,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Tolls",
"value": 10.00,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Total",
"value": 269.00,
"isGrand": true
"name": "STC Fee (12.9%)",
"value": 34.70,
"isGrand": false
"name": "NYS Fund (3%)",
"value": 9.11,
"isGrand": false
"name": "Grand Total",
"value": 312.81,
"isGrand": true
"name": "Amount Due",
"value": 312.81,
"isGrand": true
"passengerName": "John Smith",
"pendingChanges": [
"Pick up time",
"06/19/2024 08:50 PM"
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
reservation | EditableReservation | No | Reservation information that can be edited using edit request (if isEditable is true). Click here to see details. |
isEditable | bool | No | Indicates if reservation can be edited. |
status | int | Yes | Any value except null means that reservation is cancelled. Possible values: null: active 0: No Show1: Canceled2: Late Cancelled |
isCancellationPending | bool | No | Indicates if reservation cancellation is pending. |
carDescription | string | Yes | Description of selected car class. |
cancellationPolicy | string | Yes | Cancellation policy for reservation. |
pickupType | int | No | 0: Address 1: Airport 2: Train Station 3: Cruise |
pickupDescription | string | No | Pick up location description |
dropoffType | int | No | 0: Address 1: Airport 2: Train Station 3: Cruise |
dropoffDescription | string | No | Drop-off location description |
additionalServices | string | Yes | Description of the additional services if any. |
paymentMethod | string | Yes | Description of the payment method(s). |
breakdown | BreakdownItem[] | No | Array of breakdown items. Click here to see details. |
passengerName | string | Yes | Full name of the passenger. |
evoucherUrl | string | Yes | Url of the evoucher (if filled up). |
receiptUrl | string | Yes | Url of the receipt (for archive reservations). |
pendingChanges | string[][] | No | Array of pending changes if any. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
credentials | Credentials | Yes | Click here to see details. |
rateType | int | Yes | 0: 1: |
dateTime | string | Yes | Required format is MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt |
pickup | Location | Yes | Pick up location. Click here to see details. |
dropoff | Location | Yes | Drop-off location. Click here to see details. |
hours | byte | No | For hourly rateType only |
passengers | byte | Yes | Passengers quantity |
luggage | byte | Yes | Luggage quantity |
stops | Stop[] | No | Array of stops. Click here to see details. |
account | Account | No | Travel agency or corporate account info. Attention: travel agencies must provide account info to get the commission. Click here to see details. |
passenger | Passenger | Yes | Passenger info. Click here to see details. |
rewards | Reward[] | No | Array of reward accounts. Click here to see details. |
carClassCode | string | No | Use only if you looking for a specific car class. Example: SD. |
pets | byte | No | Pets quantity |
carSeats | byte | No | Car seats quantity |
boosters | byte | No | Boosters quantity |
infants | byte | No | Infants quantity |
customerComment | string | No | Customer comment |
"dateTime":"03/28/2025 11:40 AM",
"iataCode": "JFK",
"countryCode": "US",
"stateCode": "NY",
"airlineIataCode": "UA",
"airlineIcaoCode": "UAL",
"flightNumber": "UA1234",
"terminal": "7",
"arrivingFromCity": {
"cityName": "Los Angeles",
"countryCode": "US",
"stateCode": "CA",
"stateName": "California"
"address": {
"googleGeocode": {
"address_components" : [
"long_name" : "53",
"short_name" : "53",
"types" : [ "street_number" ]
"long_name" : "East 34th Street",
"short_name" : "E 34th St",
"types" : [ "route" ]
"long_name" : "Manhattan",
"short_name" : "Manhattan",
"types" : [ "political", "sublocality", "sublocality_level_1" ]
"long_name" : "New York",
"short_name" : "New York",
"types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
"long_name" : "New York County",
"short_name" : "New York County",
"types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
"long_name" : "New York",
"short_name" : "NY",
"types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
"long_name" : "United States",
"short_name" : "US",
"types" : [ "country", "political" ]
"long_name" : "10016",
"short_name" : "10016",
"types" : [ "postal_code" ]
"long_name" : "4332",
"short_name" : "4332",
"types" : [ "postal_code_suffix" ]
"formatted_address" : "53 E 34th St, New York, NY 10016, USA",
"geometry" : {
"location" : {
"lat" : 40.7476342,
"lng" : -73.98192299999999
"location_type" : "ROOFTOP",
"viewport" : {
"northeast" : {
"lat" : 40.7489831802915,
"lng" : -73.9805740197085
"southwest" : {
"lat" : 40.7462852197085,
"lng" : -73.98327198029151
"place_id" : "ChIJabR2dgdZwokRkEpfPy6FtZE",
"plus_code" : {
"compound_code" : "P2X9+36 New York, NY, USA",
"global_code" : "87G8P2X9+36"
"types" : [ "street_address" ]
"district": "Manhattan",
"streetName": "East 34th Street",
"building": "53",
"zip": "10016"
"description":"Brooklyn Bridge",
"description":"Empire State Building",
"carDescription":"Sedan Lincoln, Cadillac Or Similar",
"name":"Baggage Claim",
"instructions":"Meet your chauffeur by Baggage Claim even if you do not have any luggage",
"name":"Curb Side",
"instructions":"Please contact our Dispatch Center upon arrival. Phone: 1-800-266-5254 SMS: 1-212-561-2600 Whatsapp: 1-929-422-2227. We monitor the flight",
"instructions":"Chauffeur will be waiting with the sign at the Outside Custom Area",
"carDescription":"Suv 5-6 Passengers Or Similar",
"name":"Baggage Claim",
"instructions":"Meet your chauffeur by Baggage Claim even if you do not have any luggage",
"name":"Curb Side",
"instructions":"Please contact our Dispatch Center upon arrival. Phone: 1-800-266-5254 SMS: 1-212-561-2600 Whatsapp: 1-929-422-2227. We monitor the flight",
"instructions":"Chauffeur will be waiting with the sign at the Outside Custom Area",
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
token | string | No | Session token, use it in subsequent requests. |
prices | Price[] | No | Array of prices. See details below. |
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
carClass | string | No | Car class code. |
carDescription | string | No | Car class description. |
maxPassengers | byte | No | Maximum passegners quantity. |
maxLuggage | byte | No | Maximum luggage quantity. |
price | decimal | No | Price WITHOUT Meet&Greet. |
priceDefault | decimal | No | Price WITH default Meet&Greet option (if any). |
image128 | string | No | URL of car image with 128px width. |
image256 | string | No | URL of car image with 256px width. |
image512 | string | No | URL of car image with 512px width. |
defaultMeetGreet | int | Yes | Default Meet&Greet option. Can be null. |
meetGreets | MeetGreet | No | Array of available Meet&Greet options. Has options only if pick up location type is airport. See details below. |
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
id | int | No | Option id. Use it to select needed Meet&Greet option. |
name | string | No | Option name. |
basePrice | decimal | No | Base price of Meet&Greet option. |
instructions | string | No | Passenger instruction for selected Meet&Greet option. |
additional | MeetGreetAdditional[] | No | Array of additional charges for selected Meet&Greet option. Can be empty. Click here to see details. |
totalPrice | decimal | No | Total price of Meet&Greet option WITHOUT fees (base price + sum of additional charges). |
fees | decimal | No | Fees amount |
reservationPrice | decimal | No | Full price of reservation if this Meet&Greet option will be selected. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
token | string | Yes | Token returned by price function. |
carClassCode | string | No | Car class code which present in the list returned by price function. |
pickup | Location | No | Use only if pick up location is different from that was used in price function. Most common scenario for this function is if pick up location type is airport and you need to change Meet&Greet option. Price can be affected. Click here to see details. |
dropoff | Location | No | Use only if drop-off location is different from that was used in price function. Price can be affected. Click here to see details. |
stops | Stop[] | No | Use only if value is different from that was used in price function. Price can be affected. Click here to see details. |
account | Account | No | Use only if value is different from that was used in price function. Click here to see details. |
passenger | Passenger | No | Use only if value is different from that was used in price function. Click here to see details. |
rewards | Reward[] | No | Use only if value is different from that was used in price function. Click here to see details. |
pets | byte | No | Pets quantity. Usage: null: don't change; number: set new quantity. Price can be affected. |
carSeats | byte | No | Car seats quantity. Usage: null: don't change; number: set new quantity. Price can be affected. |
boosters | byte | No | Boosters quantity. Usage: null: don't change; number: set new quantity. Price can be affected. |
infants | byte | No | Infants quantity. Usage: null: don't change; number: set new quantity. Price can be affected. |
customerComment | string | No | Use only if value is different from that was used in price function. |
taFee | decimal | No | For Travel Agencies only. This is an additional fee in USD on top of your commission. |
"token": "NdAbNwEeYM",
"carClassCode": "SD",
"iataCode": "JFK",
"countryCode": "US",
"stateCode": "NY",
"airlineIataCode": "UA",
"airlineIcaoCode": "UAL",
"flightNumber": "UA1234",
"terminal": "7",
"meetGreet": 3,
"arrivingFromCity": {
"cityName": "Los Angeles",
"countryCode": "US",
"stateCode": "CA",
"stateName": "California"
"passenger": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"email": "",
"phone": "+19173334455"
"rewards": [
"type": 0,
"value": "123456789"
"customerComment": "Please have a rock music playlist"
"name":"Base Fare",
"name":"Sub Total",
"name":"Car Seat",
"name":"Gratuity (20%)",
"name":"STC Fee (12.9%)",
"name":"NYS Fund (3%)",
"name":"Grand Total",
"name":"Amount Due",
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
price | decimal | No | Full price of reservation |
breakdown | BreakdownItem[] | No | Array of breakdown items. Click here to see details. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
token | string | Yes | Token returned by price function. |
promo | string | No | Promo code |
method | string | No* | If your account is a charge account, put charge in this field and ignore creditCard property. Otherwise ignore this property and use creditCard instead. |
creditCard | CreditCard | No* | Credit card info. Click here to see details. |
"token": "NdAbNwEeYM",
"promo": null,
"creditCard": {
"number": "4184 7284 3916 0355",
"cardHolder": "John Smith",
"expiration": "01/28",
"cvv": "123",
"zip": "10000",
"holderType": "3"
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
reservationId | string | No | Confirmation number. |
"isCancelRequest": false,
"pickupTime":"08:50 PM",
"description":"Brooklyn Bridge",
"description":"Empire State Building",
"success": true
"isCancelRequest": true
"success": true
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
id | string | Yes | If isCustomer is false: travel agency or corportate account number. If isCustomer is true: customer email or phone number (E164). |
isCustomer | bool | No | If false: sign in as travel agency or corporate account. If true: sign in as customer. |
passwordHash | string | Yes | Hash must be created using following algorithm: Sha256(Sha256(Password) + LowerCase(Id)) |
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
confirmationNumber | string | No | Confirmation number of the reservation. |
isArchive | bool | No | Indicates if the reservation is archived. |
localDateTime | string | No | Local date & time of the reservation. |
easternDateTime | string | Yes | Easter date & time of the reservation. In rare cases can be null if timezone wasn't detected. |
rateType | int | No | 0: Point-To-Point 1: Hourly 2: Daily 3: Tour 4: Round Trip 5: Round Trip Half |
passengerName | string | Yes | |
pickupType | int | No | 0: Address 1: Airport 2: Train Station 3: Cruise |
pickup | string | No | Pick up location |
dropoffType | int | No | 0: Address 1: Airport 2: Train Station 3: Cruise |
dropoff | string | No | Drop-off location |
carClass | string | No | Car class code |
status | int | Yes | null: Active 0: No Show 1: Canceled 2: Late Cancelled |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
type | int | Yes | 0: 1: |
address | Address | No* | See details below. |
airport | Airport | No* | See details below. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
googleGeocode | string | No* | Recommended Raw response of Google Geocoding API. Address will be parsed and deserialized automatically. However you still can override Street, district, neighbourhood, place name, zip, etc. (MUST be provided separately, see properties below). |
city | City | No* | Not recommended. Use only if you can't provide $googleGeocode or $googleGeocode with city information. See details on the bottom of the page. |
district | string | No | City district name, example: Manhattan |
neighbourhood | string | No | City neighbourhood name, example: Lower Manhattan |
placeName | string | No* | Place name, example Empire State Building. |
streetName | string | No* | Street name only (without building number), example: East 34th st. |
building | string | No | Building number only, example: 53. |
suite | string | No | Example: 5P. |
zip | string | No | Example: 10016. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
iataCode | string | Yes | 3-letter IATA airport code. Example: JFK. |
countryCode | string | No | Country code of the airport. This parameter is optional and used to be sure that requested airport is correct. Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. Example: US. |
stateCode | string | No | State code of the airport. This parameter is optional and used to be sure that requested airport is correct. Works only in United States. Example: CA. |
airlineIataCode | string | No | 2-letter airline IATA code. Can be used together with ICAO code (IATA codes ARE NOT unique). Example: UA. See also: airlines list |
airlineIcaoCode | string | No | 3-letter airline ICAO code. Can be used together with IATA code (IATA codes ARE NOT unique). Example: UAL. See also: airlines list |
flightNumber | string | No | Example UA1234. |
terminal | string | No | Example 7. |
arrivingFromCity | City | No | City from which plane is arriving. See details on the bottom of the page. |
meetGreet | int | No | Leave empty when you do price request to see all available Meet&Greet options in selected airport. 0: Other 1: FBO 2: Baggage Claim 3: Curb Side 4: Gate 5: International 6: Greeter Service |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
cityName | string | Yes | Example: Los Angeles. |
countryCode | string | Yes | Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. Example: US. |
stateCode | string | No | State code (if any). Example: CA. |
stateName | string | No | State name (if any). Example: California. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
id | string | Yes | Travel agency or corporate account number. |
department | string | No | Account department. |
bookerFirstName | string | No | First name of the booker. |
bookerLastName | string | No | Last name of the booker. |
bookerEmail | string | No | Email address of the booker. |
bookerPhone | string | No | Phone number of the booker in E164 format. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
description | string | Yes | Description can be address, place name, comment, etc. |
isEnRoute | bool | Yes | Indicate if stop is en-route. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
firstName | string | Yes | First name of the passenger. |
lastName | string | Yes | Last name of the passenger. |
string | No | Email address of the passenger. | |
phone | string | Yes | Phone number of the passenger. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
type | int | Yes | Available reward types: 0: United MileagePlus |
value | string | Yes | Reward account number. |
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
name | string | No | Name of additional service. |
price | decimal | No | Price of additional service. |
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
id | string | No | Id of the location. |
description | string | No | Description |
type | int | No | 0: Google place 1: Airport 2: Port 3: Train Station |
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
name | string | No | Name of breakdown item. |
value | decimal | No | Value of breakdown item. |
isGrand | bool | No | Informational property. Indicates if item should be highlighted. Used for values like total, sub total, amount due, etc. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
address | Address | No* | See details below. |
airport | Airport | No* | See details below. |
port | Port | No* | See details below. |
trainStation | Train Station | No* | See details below. |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
streetName | string | No* | Street name, example East 34 street |
placeName | string | No* | Place name, example Empire State Buildung |
building | string | No | Building number |
zip | string | No | ZIP code |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
airlineId | int | No | See airlines list here: |
flightNumber | string | No | Example UA1234. |
terminal | string | No | Example 7. |
arrivingFrom | CitySuggestion | No | City from which plane is arriving. See City Suggestion section. |
meetGreet | int | Yes | 0: Other 1: FBO 2: Baggage Claim 3: Curb Side 4: Gate 5: International 6: Greeter Service |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
cruiseLine | string | Yes | Cruise line or ship name |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
trainNumber | string | Yes | Train number |
Name | Data type | Required | Remark |
number | string | Yes | Credit card number |
expiration | string | Yes | Expiration date in MM/YY format |
cvv | string | Yes | Credit card security number |
cardHolder | string | Yes | Name on a card |
zip | string | No | ZIP code |
holderType | int | No | 0: 1: |
Name | Data type | Nullable | Remark |
credentials | Credentials | Yes | Click here to see details. |
confirmation | string | No | Confirmation number of the reservation. |
isCancelRequest | bool | No | Set true to cancel reservation (all other parameters will be ignored). |
rateType | int | Yes | 0: Point-To-Point 1: Hourly 2: Daily 3: Tour 4: Round Trip 5: Round Trip Half |
pickupDate | string | Yes | Local date of the reservation. |
pickupTime | string | Yes | Local time of the reservation. |
stops | Stop[] | No | Array of stops. Click here to see details. |
creditCard | CreditCard | Yes | Credit card info. Click here to see details. |
passengers | byte | Yes | Passengers quantity. |
luggage | byte | Yes | Luggage quantity. |
pets | byte | Yes | Pets quantity. |
carSeats | byte | Yes | Car seats quantity. |
boosters | byte | Yes | Boosters quantity. |
infants | byte | Yes | Infants quantity. |
other | string | Yes | Other changes that is not listed. |